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Kindred Spirits

Links to other organizations that share Reading Motherhood's mission of looking at the intersection of motherhood, media, and current events through a justice-oriented feminist lens

literary mama logo

Literary Mama


In their own words: 


"Literary Mama believes that all mothers have a story worth sharing and honors the many faces of motherhood by publishing work that celebrates the journey as well as the job.

We celebrate the physical, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual processes of becoming a mother through words and images that may be so stark it hurts. We welcome perspectives that challenge us to examine motherhood through a variety of lenses. We’re not afraid of publishing work that crosses boundaries of race, gender, age, or income and encourage comments that build community."


Learn more at:

raising mothers logo

Raising Mothers

In their own words: 


"Raising Mothers is an online literary magazine created by and for femme identifying and NBPOC writers who parent. We exist at the intersection of art, scholarship, and community. We aim to elevate our voices, share our stories, talk about our issues, represent our culture, cultivate community, preserve our history, and celebrate our joy.

Becoming a parent is a time of redefinition. There is an endless supply of websites targeted at how to raise children from birth until they move out. Few, if any, focus on raising us. Fewer still, pay any attention to parents of color. The days of having a community of women, elders especially, aren’t a reality for many of us anymore. So we are here, as a collective voice to raise one another up."


Learn more at:

renegade mothering logo

Renegade Mothering

Renegade Mothering is a blog run by writer Janelle Hanchett. In it, she offers a brutally honest (and frequently profane) look at the imperfections inherent to any mother. Beyond her blog posts that diver into her personal experience with mothering, Renegade Mothering offers regular writing workshops for aspiring writers looking for guidance. 


Learn more at:

parenting for liberation logo

Parenting for Liberation

In their own words:


"Parenting for Liberation is a virtual community that connects, inspires, and uplifts Black folks as they navigate and negotiate raising Black children within the social and political context of the US.

Parenting for Liberation believes in the power of parents to conceive, birth, and nurture liberation for the future. Parenting for Liberation is rooted in an Afro-futuristic vision of a world where black parents are in community with each other to raise black children without fear and instead parent for liberation."


Learn more at:


Mothers and COVID 19

In their own words:


"The purpose of this Facebook group is to inform, support and empower mothers through the pandemic."


Learn more at:

word mothers logo



In their own words: 


"WordMothers supports women writers by:

  • Sharing extensive opportunities and resources

  • Introducing female-identifying authors to new readers

  • Offering advice from book industry professionals

  • Inspiring writers at all career stages

  • Encouraging conversation about women’s work in the literary arts"


Learn more at:

mothering justice logo

Mothering Justice

In their own words: 


"Mothering Justice is dedicated to returning decision making power to the ones affected by these decisions the most.
By empowering mothers to influence policy on behalf of themselves and their families, Mothering Justice hopes to change the future of families in Michigan for the better. For too long, mothers have been defined by others but, as a group, they have been left out of the conversation."


Learn more at:

mamas of color rising logo


In their own words:


"Mamas of Color Rising is a collective of working class and poor mothers of color based in and around Austin, TX. We are interested in organizing ourselves and other women/mamas of color around issues with accessing needs like food, housing, education and safety, finding out together what our larger ideal community looks like and building it together."


Learn more at:

Mamas of Color Rising

Chicana M(other)work logo

Chicana M(other)work

In their own words:


"Chicana M(other)work is a concept and project informed by our specific gendered, classed, and racialized experiences. Chicana M(other)work offers a new interpretation of motherwork that looks at the layers of care work we do in our communities through activism, self-care, teaching and mothering. Please review our projects, writings and podcast and send us a message to share your thoughts!"


Learn more at:

logo for the organization Demeter press of a large D

Demeter Press

In their own words:


"Founded in 2006, Demeter is an independent feminist press committed to publishing peer-reviewed scholarly work, fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction on mothering, reproduction, sexuality and family. Demeter is partnered with the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI). The press is named in honour of the Goddess Demeter, herstory’s most celebrated empowered and outraged mother"


Learn more at:


Music Mothers and Others

In their own words:


 "Somewhere in the music industry, between ‘sex drugs and rock and roll’ and The Wiggles, is the rest of us. ‘Music Mothers and Others’ is an audio parents group —a chance to discuss how parenting fits (or doesn’t) into music industry life. During the series we’ll talk to people from across the industry – artists, promotors, techs, broadcasters, writers, academics, teachers – anyone who has a gig in ‘industry’, whatever that means."


Learn more at:

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